Are you feeling drained throughout your day? Do you often feel like your energy has been sapped, and you can't seem to muster the same enthusiasm or excitement that was once easy for you? You're not alone; many of us struggle with this every day. We all have encountered some phase where we feel our energy has been drained out. It also causes anxiety, and thus, we needed anxiety therapy to overcome the situation.
The way we live our lives nowadays is gradually depleting our mental and physical well-being, causing us to feel drained and exhausted. So here we will understand why we feel our energy is drained out.
Reasons Behind That You Feel Your Energy Drained Out
Sleeping cycle is hampered
One of the most common reasons behind the energy drained is insufficient sleep. The average sleeping hours of an adult is about 7 or more hours. Enough sleep is essential for the betterment of the health. But due to the work-life imbalance, we are unable to do that. Thus, most people have insomnia, a condition where people cannot sleep or even stay asleep.
Some stress is normal, but if people have chronic stress, then it can cause fatigue. Chronic stress can potentially result in stress-related exhaustion disorder (ED), a medically recognized condition that manifests through psychological and physical exhaustion symptoms.
Long-term stress can cause physical and functional alterations in the brain, resulting in ongoing inflammation that worsens symptoms such as tiredness. Thus, it leads to anxiety, so you must consult the best Anxiety Therapist Dubai near you.
Insufficient diet
Diet plays an essential role in providing energy and nourishment to the body. In today's lifestyle, we do not follow a proper diet or even drink sufficient water, which causes a lack of nutrition in our bodies. Thus, it causes energy deficiency, and hence we always feel low.
It is another dangerous issue that can cause energy deficiency in our body. If you are obese, your risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea is significantly higher, commonly leading to daytime fatigue. Additionally, research indicates that even without sleep apnea, obesity is associated with increased daytime sleepiness, directly impacting the sleep cycle.
So, these are some reasons why we do not feel energetic in our daily lives. Thus, we have to work on these things and be able to be productive in our daily lifestyle.
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